Connect, Discover, Communicate Together

Based on a magical storybook that anchors our multi-generation learning experience for families with kids aged 4-18 years.

Whole Family Program

Connect and Communicate Like Never Before!

As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. This program provides the structure and evidence-based content to ensure we keep learning and growing together! The dynamic, engaging world of Freeing Freddie: the Dream Weaver supports families to:

Meet the Creators

This mother-son duo knows all about growing and learning as a family. The co-founders of Free the Mind Co, Kim Normand Dobrin and Brent Feinberg, are sought after international speakers and educators on Social Emotional Learning & Wellbeing for children, educators and families. The skills and tools they help build are based on real lived experience and proven practices.

Together, they created this wonderful program that brings some of life’s most valuable lessons to families in ways that deepen bonds and strengthen relationships. 


我們為什麼不想為我們的孩子提供這類型的課程呢?《弗雷迪的奇幻冒險》(Freeing Freddie)) 提供了一種實踐的、互動的、極其引人入勝的體驗,讓孩子們學習並理解重要的概念,例如,理解我們的思想和感情如何影響我們的行為,並賦權孩子,讓他們明白他們有選擇如何回應的權利。《弗雷迪的奇幻冒險》是開始這些重要對話的良好方式。 」
Robin Shipley MA
行為顧問 | 心理學家

Four easy steps to build skills that will serve you and your family for life:

Adults spend 10  minutes preparing for a ‘Family Time’ session. 

‘Family Time’ sessions (15-20 min) include video clips, playing games and sharing ideas.

Adults, children and teens complete age-specific engaging and insightful activities.

Families come together to share experiences, insights and learning.

Extend the Experience

Let the adventure continue into shared storytime with books and activities.


Free the Mind Co 的出色工作已在全球許多具有領導思想的出版物和媒體頻道中被報導。

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