


Free the Mind Co 是「超越框架」的。我們在一個期望特定結果的生活和社會中,尋找屬於我們的地方。我們在途中進行了測試、學習、冒險,甚至撞了牆……我們找到、發現並培養了一種內在的指南針,帶來了讓我們的生活更有意義、更充滿喜悅和成功的技巧和工具。



Kim Normand Dobrin

共同創辦人/ CEO




金·諾曼德·多布林 (Kim Normand Dobrin) 擁有一份超過30年的成功國際職業生涯。


  • Ran largest oral history project in South Africa and Zimbabwe for 18 years.
  • 南非約翰內斯堡種族隔離博物館(Apartheid Museum) 的創始總監。
  • 人權教育委員會董事會成員。
  • 寬容基金會(Tolerance Foundation.)創辦人和CEO。
  • 創辦了明日信託(Tomorrow Trust)直到2019年。

作為阿肖卡研究員(Ashoka Fellow),她在哈佛大學肯尼迪國際學院進行了研究。

在南非,她是三本暢銷書的作者——《Tomorrow》、《Raising Wisdom》以及《A Mother’s Legacy》。

金(Kim)是一系列激勵人心的書籍的共同作者,包括《Freeing Freddie the Dream Weaver》以及《Revealing Freddie the Light Within》。


Kim is a sought-after speaker, workshop facilitator and coach


金·諾曼德·多布林 (KIM NORMAND DOBRIN)的獲獎

Brent Feinberg


I was an unsettled child, that had a lot of anger which made it difficult to focus at school! I always felt different to the norm. I wanted a life of purpose, discovery and positive impact. I realised how to get there by developing my Inner Self and learning the skills and tools to let go of anger, overcome fears and create a peaceful and joyful mind. Togther with the Free The Mind co. team I have distilled these life lesson in a way that children can easily access to enhance their minds and emotions.

Being involved, with my mother’s organisation The Tomorrow Trust that assisted, AIDS orphans and others under-privileged youth, I was inspired to make sure I supported other’s journeys making them easier, happier and more loving. I have always wanted to uplift the world, creating more joy through my work. I am committed to my own daily growth and self discovery.

Here are some ways I have created this … Certified Body Talk Practitioner 

Qualified Yoga Teacher  –  Author

By practicing Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation daily as well as Isha Kriya Yoga and through the many years of experience and studying, I have developed a great understanding of consciousness and wellbeing. I have an understanding of many cultures through immersion by living and traveling in many different countries which has enriched my life on so many levels!

By developing expertise in consciousness and wellbeing, I am able to give people skills to have a joyful mind and loving emotions which are proven to enhance physical health and relationships. 

By taking life experience and learnt knowledge to create workshops and courses that help children develop skills and themselves to have a positive educational journey and a foundation for a beautiful life. 

I was raised with the messages from Nelson Mandela who I spent time with as well as others such as Steve Biko’s son – Nkosinathi Biko and Deepak Chopra. 

I give of myself so that others can live a life that they love and create a world where all individuals share an experience based on justice, love, self-awareness and greater consciousness. 

I enjoy leading meditation sessions, live book readings and doing interviews on my books and views of how to live life with a deeper sense of well being.


“Freeing Freddie – the Dream Weaver” is Brent’s first set of books endorsed by Deepak Chopra and that have now sold thousands of copies. Published by Square One Publishers a New York based publishing house.


Nancy A. Green

Chief Experience Officer

和很多人一樣,我也是偶然開始了我的職業生涯。在一位終身導師的影響和神的干預下,我開始了在高盛公司(Goldman, Sachs & Co)管理發展和培訓部門的職涯。


在Emory大學高蘭塔商學院(Goizueta Business School)獲得MBA學位後,我成為一家咨詢公司的合夥人,為世界各地的財富500強組織提供服務,涵蓋各個行業。


加入Free the Mind Co團隊讓我感覺像回到了家。我受到了啟發和挑戰,並感到非常榮幸能夠與金(Kim)和布倫特(Brent)一起工作。我喜歡將我在教學設計方面的專業知識與實際的育兒經驗結合起來,將這些溫馨而強大的故事、技巧和工具帶給全世界的孩子們。


Susan Ward-Roncalli



蘇珊(Susan)是國家青年領導理事會(National Youth Leadership Council)的董事會成員。她在克萊蒙特研究生大學(Claremont Graduate University)完成了博士學位,她的博士論文題目是使用學生聲音來確定社交情緒學習中有前途的做法。

Laura Eubanks

K-2 教師

勞菈(Laura )來自一個教師世家 - 她的母親、姑姑、舅舅,甚至幾個表兄弟姐妹都是教育工作者。在完成本科學位後,當她有機會在中國教書時,她毫不猶豫地答應了。在這裡,勞菈(Laura )上這個職業。從海外教學回國後,勞菈(Laura )在喬治亞大學(University of Georgia )獲得了教學藝術碩士學位,並在新西蘭和喬治亞州亞特蘭大市郊教書。她曾在多個年級教授過課程,並非常喜歡成為每個學生教育旅程中的一部分。

勞菈(Laura )很興奮能夠參與Freddie的冒險,並期待這些技巧對全世界的學生產生的影響!

Mark Sparvell

SEL and Education Marketing Consultant

Mark has been working in the education space for over three decades and he has found one thing is clear from his experience working with children, families and educators… learning is a social process and accordingly, emotions are fundamental and not ornamental to how we navigate ourselves and the social world around us.

Mark spent many years in teacher, deputy and principal roles in large and small, urban and rural settings before taking on larger roles as regional-wide leadership positions. He designed and taught course materials in universities for pre-service teachers for a number of years before taking on a role with a professional association which designed and delivered capacity building for leadership across Australia and SE Asia. Along the way Mark received awards for leadership and teaching… culminating in the Microsoft Global Innovation Award for Collaboration and not long after, a role in Microsoft designing and implementing a global school leader audience strategy.

As a parent and grandparent, his driver is to ensure that, through his work, we are all reminded of the power of schools. Schools are places where society is created and re-created and we collectively need to support educators, students and families with high quality programs which nurture kindness, empathy and spark creativity and curiosity

Supporting the Free the Mind Co team fills Mark with optimism and the hope that we can make a difference and shape a preferred future for all.


Free the Mind Co 的出色工作已在全球許多具有領導思想的出版物和媒體頻道中被報導。





訪問我們的 免費視覺化 & 網路研討會


1 意識基礎健康照護(consciousness-based healthcare)是一種健康照護的方法,強調身心靈的整合和平衡。這種方法認為人們的意識狀態和心理狀態對身體的健康和康復具有重要影響。它關注個體的意識、情感和心理狀態,並探索如何通過正面的思想、情感表達和心理調整來促進健康和康復。這種方法通常與傳統的醫療治療方法結合使用,旨在提供一個更全面和整全的治療和康復過程。

2 更高意識(greater consciousness)指的是超越個人常態意識的一種更深刻、更廣闊的覺知狀態。這種意識超越了個人的限制,將注意力擴展到更大的層面,包括社會、人類整體和宇宙的層面。這種意識可以與更大的智慧和靈性相關聯,使個人能夠體驗到更深層次的連結、共通性和整體性。在這種更高的意識狀態中,人們可能更關注共同利益、全球意識和綜觀全局,並以更大的視野和更深刻的洞察力來思考和行動。

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