Community Learning Programs
Do you lead an out-of-regular school program? Are you looking for activities that are engaging, economical and have positive impact?

What are the programs?
The two versions of the Community Learning Program are based on an engaging storybook that anchors the learning experience and supports kids ages 4-18 years.
- Extended: Suitable for programs serving children ages 5-12 delivered over longer terms with ongoing relationship building and opportunities to learn and grow together, e.g. an after-school program or a weekly youth program. Children experience the fun, interactive learning online independently and reinforce the skills together as a group.
- Short-Term: Suitable for short-term programs serving children ages 4-18 that wish to focus on essential foundational skills and tools, e.g. a short vacation program or camp. Children experience the learning as a group through engaging, hands-on facilitator-led resources and reinforce the skills together
What are the benefits?
- Easy to use and implement – adopt or adapt
- Deeply impactful
- Fosters positive connections
- Creates a strong inner foundation to develop healthy relationships
How are they implemented?
After an initial 45-minute virtual training, you are ready to go!
Extended Program
Each child receives a personal login
Facilitators receive access to usage data and reports
Children journey through 12 Adventures independently or delivered in a hybrid manner
Facilitators receive simple, user-friendly lesson plans
Option: Professional/Personal Development for all staff (whether implementing the program or not) – providing the opportunity to build their own emotional intelligence and wellbeing skills and tools.
Short-Term Program
Locations receive one facilitator login to access all multi-media learning materials
Groups of children complete six modules guided
by a facilitator (this leader does not need to
have any specific qualifications beyond the
45 min. virtual training)
Option: Professional/Personal Development for all staff (whether implementing the program or not) – providing the opportunity to build their own emotional intelligence and wellbeing skills and tools.
A carefully crafted Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and wellbeing program to help children:
- Визнавати, приймати і нормалізувати їхні емоції
- Бути більш самосвідомими
- Поліпшити самоконтроль
- Підвищити рівень соціальної обізнаності
- Визначати та звільнятися від страху/тривоги
- Feel the power of gratitude and empathy
- Підключатися до великого світу
- Втілювати їхні мрії в життя
Books are available
Children can enjoy Freeing Freddie the Dream Weaver off the screen as well, with the storybook, activity/craft sticker book, or workbook.
3-hour Virtual Live Personal Development
This personal development course gives staff the time and space to nurture and grow their власних соціально-емоційних навичок та інструментів. Це дає їм змогу краще зрозуміти себе, щоб ділитися своєю мудрістю в класі та краще підтримувати своїх учнів.