Are you someone who cares about the emotional wellbeing of children?
Every child has the potential to be well, do well and contribute well.
We believe that when we build on strengths, develop skills to manage tricky emotions and connect with others with purpose, young people can collectively change their lives and shape their world.
Our programs build social-emotional skills needed to help young people 5yr-12yr discover the best version of themselves.
Are you an educator who wants the best for your students?
Specifically developed to build more peaceful, productive K-5 classroom communities. Online & Educator-led Social Emotional Learning & Wellbeing for Schools .
Impact reports at your fingertips!
Real data in real time!
My choices now reflect my hopes not my fears."
Discover Freddie’s world with our interactive, online program for kids to complete independently at home.
Providing families with the opportunity to connect, while developing social emotional skills together.
Discover Freddie's Magical World
Explore our range of best-selling social emotional learning and personal development books for children, educators, and adults by Brent Feinberg and Kim Normand Dobrin. Now in English and Spanish!
Experience, talent and insight
Free the Mind Co’s fantastic work has been featured in many thought-leading publications and media channels from around the globe.
Contact Us
Do you have questions or feedback about any of our programs? Please contact us below:
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Instantly access our free videos designed to assist you in bringing about greater levels of energy, joy and inner peace.